
Designer babies...

Gaur egun, genetika arloan egiten ari diren ikerkuntzak, geure genoma hobeto ulertzera eramaten gaitu. Gaur posiblea da, enbrioia sortu aurretik gameto aukeraketa egitea eta honekin beste hainbat gauza. Honi esker, lortzen dugu gaixotasun batzuk saihestea, baina honek ere, zenbait arazo bioetikotara eraman ahal gaitu. Honen adibide bat izan daiteke, batzutan entzuten den designer baby kontzeptua. Ondoko testu honetan aurkitu dezakegu hauen definizioa eta dakartzaten galdera bioetikoak.

In 2004 the term “designer baby” made the transition from sci-fi movies and weblogs into the Oxford English Dictionary, where it is defined as “a baby whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilization to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes or characteristics.”1 This coinage was prompted by recent advances in genetics that may make such babies possible. We need to pause and ask what moral or ethical limits, if any, should apply to the selection of our children’s genes or characteristics. Before we can answer this we must address other questions:

- What issues should we consider before modifying humans?
- How would designer babies be made?
- Is there a moral or ethical difference between using genetic technologies to prevent disease
and to enhance human capacities?
- Should we be striving to protect our humanity from genetic enhancement?
- What effect will human genetic modification have on society?

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